Sunday, April 3, 2016

Cardinal Countdown 4/3/16

Good morning!  I hope that everyone had a restful and relaxing spring break.  I know I certainly did.  Of course with the obvious exeption being that I spend a large portion of Wednesday standing in various lines at the "Magic" Kingdom, which magically caused my 4 year olds legs to hurt from about 9:00 a.m. Until 9:00 p.m.  He then had a magic carpet ride (me) around the park for 12 hours.  Don't even get me started on the size of his bladder as well.  I visited at least 16 different restrooms that day.  I started signing the stalls to commemorate the event (one guy stood next to me in two different bathrooms.  His son got out first the second time.  As he was leaving, and without speaking to me previously, he slapped me on the shoulder and said "they tell me this gets better.")  The 8th graders can use it as a scavenger hunt next year.  But, yes, other than that, nice and relaxing. With that being said (to much information?) here are your weekly tidbits.  I hope that everyone has a great week!
  • No Staff Meeting today - it is on the calendar, but I don't have enough to go over to make it worth your time.  I am going to take a rain check on it though.  We may need two later on (one toward the end of april and one in May).
  • Go Battle of the Books teams!  Looking forward to some great things.
  • PTO will meet on Tuesday night in Ms. McKee's room.
  • Today is your last day to sign up for Grasshoppers games on Saturday.  I hope that many of you can make it out.  I think it will be a fun time and Cornerstone will be represented in various activities (including the first pitch and the national anthem).  
  • Report cards go home on Thursday.  In order to do that, please make sure that you have your grades complete for Jen prior to noon on Tuesday.  (Remember, she gave you an extension... :) ).
  • Spring Book Fair is coming next Monday.  It kicks off Monday night with our annual family night.  Hope you all can make it.
  • Honor Roll assemblies are on next Thursday the 14th for the K-8.  We will send out a schedule this week as a reminder.
A few "thank you's"
  1. Thank you to Katelyn Sheets for spearheading the 8th grade visit to the high school.  Via the accounts that I heard it went off really well, and that everyone learned a little about a lot.  It is great leadership.
  2. Thank you to Leigh Bell our HS counselor for organizing the college admissions panel.  It was a great night for parents and students.  The college reps shared a lot of great information.  Much of it dovetailed perfectly with what we are working on in the high school, which is that students need to develop independence to be successful on a college campus.

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